Part of FAS* - Foundations and Applications of Self* Systems
Co-located with:
The International Conference on Cloud and Autonomic Computing (ICCAC 2016)
Co-located with:
The International Conference on Cloud and Autonomic Computing (ICCAC 2016)

The 2016 edition of the SASO conference series will be held in Augsburg, Germany, in the week of September 12-16, 2016. SASO is part of FAS*, a common umbrella for two closely related but independent conferences (SASO and ICCAC) with shared events including workshops, tutorials, doctoral symposia, the Special Track on Trustworthy Open Self-Organising Systems, etc.
Foto: Norbert Liesz (
The tenth edition of the SASO conference embraces the inter-disciplinarity and the scientific, empirical and application dimensions of self-* systems; it thus aims to attract participants with different backgrounds, to foster cross-pollination between research fields, and to expose and discuss innovative theories, design principles, frameworks, methodologies, tools, and applications.
The topics of interest to SASO include, but are not limited to:
- Systems theory: theoretical frameworks and models; biologically- and socially-inspired paradigms; inter-operation of self-* mechanisms;
- Systems techniques: techniques to specify and analyze self-* systems, like statistical physics, machine learning, multi-agent systems, or other novel techniques;
- Systems engineering: reusable mechanisms, design patterns, architectures, methodologies; software and middleware development frameworks and methods, platforms and toolkits; hardware; self-* materials; governance of self-* systems, emergent behavior in self-* systems;
- System properties: robustness, resilience, and stability; emergence; computational awareness and self-awareness; reflection; anti-fragility;
- Cyber-physical and socio-technical systems: human factors and visualization; self-* social computers; crowdsourcing and collective awareness; human-in-the-loop;
- Data-driven approaches: data mining; machine learning; data science and other statistical techniques to analyze, understand, and manage behavior of complex systems;
- Education: experience reports; curricula; innovative course concepts; methodological aspects of self-* systems education;
- Ethics and Humanities in self-* systems;
- Applications and experiences with self-* systems in any of the following domains:
- Smart-*: application of self-* principles to smart-grids, smart-cities, smart-environments, smart-vehicles
- Industrial automation: embedded self-* systems, adaptive industrial plants, smart industries (Industry 4.0)
- Transportation: autonomous vehicles, coordination between vehicles, pedestrians, and infrastructure, and traffic optimization
- Unmanned systems: aerial vehicles, undersea vehicles, other robotic platforms
- Internet of Things: challenges, applications, and benefits; self-* for network management, self-* applied to Cybersecurity
Best Paper Award
Jacob Beal, Mirko Viroli, Danilo Pianini and Ferruccio Damiani. Self-Adaptation to Device Distribution ChangesBest Student Paper Award
Fernando Silva, Luís Correia, and Anders Lyhne Christensen. Online Hyper-Evolution of Controllers in Multirobot SystemsBest Student Paper Award
Patricio E. Petruzzi, Jeremy Pitt, and Dídac Busquets. Inter-institutional Social Capital for Self-Organising 'Nested Enterprises'Best Poster/Demo Award
David Sanderson, Jack Chaplin, Lavindra de Silva, Paul Holmes and Svetan Ratchev. Smart Manufacturing and Reconfigurable Technologies: Towards an Integrated Environment for Evolvable Assembly SystemsBest Doctoral Symposium Paper Award
Christopher-Eyk Hrabia. A Framework for Adaptive and Goal-Driven Behaviour Control of Multi-Robot SystemsSponsors